Hi, I'm

Joe LeBeau

a software engineer

Welcome to my homepage.


Professional Experience

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Bash
  • C#

Hobbyist Languages

  • Elixir
  • Go (to a limited degree - mostly out of curiosity around the hype)


  • Java - used Java almost exclusively during college
  • C - learned C on through programing on SMAUG-based MUDs when I was a kid. I still touch it on occassion
Let me introduce myself

I've been building software professionally for nearly a decade. Prior to that, I learned to program through building games like MUDs and game engines like BYOND.

These days, I love automation. Any time I watch people repeating tasks over and over, I always think "I could save so much time and money in the long run with a little work now."

I'm also interested in minimizing cognitive load through the use of technology. We often end up working with endless streams of noisy inputs that we're expected to sift through while also doing out daily work. I'm working on building a unified dashboard that can be customized to the needs of the individual. Details TBA!

Check me out on GitHub at github.com/joelebeau

Outside Work

Outside work, I'm a gamer through and through. RPGs, horror games, sims, building games, shooters, you name it.

My partner and I live with a horde of cats. We're down to five. They drive me crazy, but I love them. We also have a bearded dragon and rats. You could say we're into animals.